Drain Cleaning – How to Get Rid of Clogged Drains

Clean drains are essential for the proper function of your plumbing system. Keeping your drains free from gunk and clogs can prevent odors and other plumbing issues throughout your home.

Drain Cleaning

If foul odors persist and clogs recur, call in a plumber. The professional tools they use can remove deep clogs and restore drainage to your sinks, tubs and showers. Contact Drain Cleaning Perth for specialized services.

Chemical drain cleaners are pure or mixed substances that dissolve at least some of the material causing a clog. These can come in liquid form or as powder, and are usually available through hardware stores. They are often used as a last resort when other mechanical methods do not work. They are also highly toxic and can cause serious damage to pipes if not used correctly and properly.

Store-bought chemical drain cleaners use acids or caustics to create a chemical reaction that breaks down organic materials like hair, grease and soap scum. This can be effective, but it is important to follow the instructions on the label carefully. These products can be very corrosive and generate a lot of heat, which can eat away at the pipes and can cause severe chemical burns if it comes into contact with your skin.

Caustic chemical drain cleaners, which are often found in powder form, contain sodium hydroxide (lye) or potassium hydroxide (caustic potash). They generate a lot of heat and can liquefy grease, fats and oils. These types of chemicals are useful for removing stubborn blockages and can be safer than acid cleaners, but they must be used cautiously to avoid destroying your pipes. Caustic drain cleaners may also be hazardous to your health if they get on your skin or in your eyes, and you should wear gloves, a face mask and goggles when working with them.

Another problem with caustic chemical cleaners is that they can conceal a more serious underlying issue. If the clog is caused by a broken pipe or sewer backup, it will likely take professional help to resolve it. Chemicals can also mask the problem by covering it with a layer of foam.

Most chemical cleaners are heavier than water, which allows them to sink through standing water and reach a clog. However, they can become trapped in the clog and actually move it rather than breaking it down. This can lead to a new, more difficult clog down the line. Additionally, they can wreak havoc on your pipes by breaking down their inner linings and creating holes that allow dirt to seep in.

Bio-Active Enzymatic Foam Clener

Most drain line blockages are caused by organic materials, such as food particles or hair clogging your kitchen sink, paper products or waste matter clogging your toilet and paper towel dispenser, or oil, grease, or fats clogging your drainage pipes and traps. Enzyme drain cleaners contain enzymes or bacteria that feed on these organic materials, breaking them down and allowing them to pass through your drain lines.

One of the best features about these products is that they do not damage pipes. In fact, they can actually help prevent clogs by cleaning your pipes with their regular use. These cleaners also don’t produce the corrosive fumes associated with chemical cleaners, making them safer for you and your family to use.

The microorganisms in enzymatic cleaners break down the organic material that is creating your clog, causing it to disintegrate into water and carbon dioxide. This process is called biodegradation. Because of this, enzymatic cleaners are also a great option for those with septic systems.

When using a commercial enzyme drain cleaner, be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Look for a product that is low in temperature, as high temperatures can cause the enzymes to lose their effectiveness. Additionally, it is important to look for the ufc/mL (unit-forming colonies per millilitre) information on the label, which tells you how many live bacteria are in the product.

The ufc/mL information will help you determine whether the enzymes in the product are effective at breaking down the organic material that is causing your clog. The higher the number of ufc/mL, the more effective the product will be. In addition, enzymatic cleaners work better when used with baking soda, which can soften any solids in your drain. Additionally, it is important to use a drain cover to keep large debris and food particles from falling into your drains while the enzymatic cleaners are working. With these simple steps, you can safely and effectively use an enzyme drain cleaner for your plumbing maintenance needs.

Plumber’s Snake

A plumbing snake, also called a drain auger, is an important tool for keeping your drain lines clear of blockages. It consists of a long cable with an auger head (which looks like a corkscrew, drill bit, or spring) at one end and a crank handle on the other. There are manual and electric versions of this tool, so choose one that’s appropriate for your needs and comfort level.

To use the plumber’s snake, start by feeding the end of the cable into the clogged drain. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this could damage the pipe or the snake itself. If you encounter resistance as the snake enters the drain, it means that you’ve encountered a blockage. Gently advance the snake into the drain while continuing to rotate the crank handle at a steady rate.

After the snake has successfully entered the clogged drain, it’s time to break up the blockage. Depending on the type of clog, this may be as simple as spinning the snakehead back and forth or twisting it in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction. If the clog is solid, you might need to use more force on the crank handle or use a different snake head.

When the clog is broken up, you can pull out the snake and run water through the drain to make sure it’s fully cleaned out. It’s a good idea to regularly clean the drain and P-trap of your home to keep these components working properly. Also, be mindful of what you flush down the drains. Items like wet wipes, sanitary products, and paper towels can easily cause blockages. Regularly cleaning drain screens can prevent these items from entering the pipes and causing blockages.

If you’re experiencing a severe or persistent drain clog, it’s best to call in a professional. A licensed plumber will have the tools and knowledge to solve your problem quickly and effectively. They can also inspect your drain lines with a video camera to make sure that they’re in good condition. This can help prevent future issues and save you money on expensive repair bills.


If a plunger, plumbing snake or chemical drain cleaner has failed to remove your clogged pipe, it’s time for hydro jetting. This process uses concentrated, high-powered water jets to blast away scummy debris and ingrown tree roots that are causing your pipes to become backed up. The result is clean, unclogged pipes that work better than new.

This method of drain cleaning is especially useful in commercial sewer systems and municipal lines, where the thick walls of the pipes are more susceptible to buildup and blockages. In many cases, snaking and chemical cleaners aren’t strong enough to clear these larger diameter pipes. Hydro jetting allows plumbers to safely clean the entire length of a line, leaving it cleaner and less likely to experience future issues.

Before using the hydro jetting process, your plumber will insert a camera into your pipe through the sewer cleanout opening to inspect the condition of your pipes and determine the type of blockage. This allows the plumber to choose a specialized nozzle designed to fit your pipe’s size and type of blockage. There are different nozzles that are made for getting around corners and others for more general use. There are even nozzles that can rotate for fuller coverage.

The nozzles are attached to the end of a high-powered hose that’s connected to the water source. Once the plumber turns on the water, the hose and nozzles will quickly power through the blockage, eliminating sludge and debris. The water also flushes the pipes, removing any remaining residue and making them ready to receive waste again.

The hydro jetting process can also be used in homes that have older pipes with cracks or holes in their walls. This prevents the insides of your pipes from becoming exposed and weakened, which can cause damage to the piping. It can also help keep your pipes from breaking down in the future by preventing further damage. The best part about this process is that it’s safe for most piping materials, including lead and galvanized steel. However, it’s not recommended for use in clay pipes, as the high-pressure water could damage them.

Mastering Potty Training: A Parent’s Guide to Success

Next Day Potty training is a big change for any toddler, but it’s particularly challenging if your child is dealing with other major life changes. Moving, having a new baby or going to preschool are all things that can make potty training hard.


Help your child prepare for this big step by introducing them to the potty chair or toilet. Let them watch you or older siblings use the bathroom and encourage them to sit on the potty chair fully dressed.

Your child’s first step toward potty training should be to make trips to the bathroom a regular part of their day. This can include putting them on the potty chair after they wake up in the morning, before and after meals, before and after nap times and playtime, and in between different activities.

It’s important to have a set schedule for your child to follow, and it can be helpful to write it down so everyone can remember what’s coming up. However, this isn’t always possible when you have a busy family life, so be sure to adjust the schedule according to what works best for you and your toddler.

Begin by letting your child sit on the potty chair for 20-30 minutes in the morning and in the afternoon, just to get them used to sitting there. You might also want to try letting them sit on the potty without a diaper before bed. Once your toddler gets used to going on the potty regularly, they’ll be more likely to recognize when they need to go and start to tell you they have to go before they have an accident.

You can encourage your children to use the potty by talking about it, describing what happens in there and how good it feels to go pee and poop in the toilet. You should also let them watch you and other adults use the toilet, as they learn by copying and by watching others. You can also help them get familiar with the potty by letting them wear pull-ups or training pants (depending on what age your child is) so they will feel like big kids.

Be patient and positive, especially if your toddler has accidents. It can take three to six months for a kid to fully train for potty, so don’t be discouraged if they have to wear diapers sometimes for a little while.

Once your child is comfortable with the routine, you can start to give them more and more opportunities to visit the potty during the day. Eventually, they may only need to be placed on the potty once every two hours.

Expect Hesitancy

Hesitancy can happen at any point in the potty training process. It is important to be patient and not push your child if they are struggling with hesitancy. If your child is having a hard time with hesitancy, try taking them to the potty in low pressure environments, like before or after school. Or, you can give them a reward every time they successfully use the toilet, to help boost their confidence.

When your child is hesitating, it means that they are feeling nervous and unsure about something. Hesitancy can also be a physical sign of nervousness, like fidgeting or shaking. Hesitancy can be a big hurdle to overcome, but it is necessary for your child’s success.

While the terms hesitant, reluctant, loathe, and averse can all mean to be averse or disinclined to do something, hesitancy seems to be more appropriate for the delay between cortical decision to void and prompt detrusor/sphincter response. This could be due to any number of issues, ranging from mechanical obstruction to cortical pathways.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to potty training. It may be a long and slow process, but being consistent with the routine and expectations will help your child have success in this area. Make sure to set a regular time each day that you take your child to the bathroom, whether it be in the morning, after meals, before and after naps, or at nighttime. It is also a good idea to have your child sit on the potty whenever they show signs that they have to go, such as crossing their legs, grunting, or squatting.

You should also be consistent with praise and encouragement. It is important to let your children know that you are proud of them when they use the potty correctly. This will help them want to continue doing it and will not be discouraged by an occasional accident. If your child is having a hard time with this, it can be helpful to talk to your doctor, who can provide further guidance.

Keep in mind that it takes many children quite a few months before they are fully toilet trained. Be patient with your child and try to have a positive attitude throughout the whole process. It is also a great idea to create a chart for your child to track their progress with the potty. This could include a column for times when they have gone potty, a column for times that they have had accidents and a comment section to write down what kind of movement they had. This can help you get a better understanding of how often they are going to the potty, what types of movements they are having and what kind of attention they need from you.

Be sure to share your potty training plan with all caregivers, such as babysitters or grandparents. They can then follow your lead and support your child. This can be especially important when you are out of the house for errands or other activities. It can be very frustrating for a child to suddenly have a diaper change in the middle of an outing and can hinder their motivation to continue with the potty training process.

Be Positive

Positive reinforcement is one of the most powerful tools you have in toilet training your child. You should use praise and encouragement throughout the process and celebrate each success, no matter how small. This will motivate your child to continue making progress and it will also help to avoid discouragement when they are having accidents or have not reached their potty goals.

While it is important to keep a positive attitude during the potty training process, you must be mindful of your tone of voice and how you communicate with your child. Scolding and yelling can cause your child to become frustrated with the process and may result in them giving up. Instead, refocus your efforts on encouraging them to make the connection between what they feel and where their waste goes.

You should also make toilet training a fun experience for your child. This will help them be more comfortable using the potty. You can do this by providing a variety of fun toilet toys and books. Getting your child involved with the process will help them understand what is going on and will also encourage them to try again in the future.

A positive attitude also helps to overcome some of the fears that children have about going poop in the potty. For example, you can validate their feelings by saying, “You are scared to poop on the toilet.” You could also help them overcome these fears by talking about poop, putting on pretend poop or even singing songs!

It is also important to remember that every child is different and has their own timeline for learning. You should not be frustrated if your child is taking longer to train than their friends or siblings. Just be patient and continue to make it a fun and exciting experience for them so they will be more likely to want to continue to work towards this goal. This will ultimately lead to them becoming fully potty trained in their own time. The most important thing to remember is that the potty training process takes time, but it is a necessary step in their development.

Hot Water Heater Repair – What You Need to Know

Hot Water Heater Repair Morris County is easy to take for granted until it stops working. But a quick fix may be within reach.

Water Heater Repair

A leaking water heater or one that’s not producing enough hot water typically requires the help of a plumber. But some water heater problems can be addressed by the homeowner.

A mechanical thermostat regulates heat by expanding and contracting a strip of metal inside it. When the room gets too hot, this strip bends enough to open the electric circuit, which switches on the heating. When the strip cools down, it snaps back into its original shape and closes the circuit, shutting off the heating. By adjusting the temperature dial on the thermostat, you can control how long it takes for the strip to expand and contract.

If you’re getting no hot water, check to see if the heater’s circuit breaker has tripped. If it has, reset it by turning off the power at your service panel, opening the access door to the top of the unit and pushing the red high-temperature cutoff reset button. Then turn the power back on and give the tank an hour to reheat.

Then look at the thermostat to make sure it’s set to the correct temperature. It’s also a good idea to check the air screens on the bottom of the tank for sediment buildup that could interfere with the heating process.

If the tank is leaking, it’s time to replace it. This could be caused by rust or corrosion on the interior of the tank or by a leak in one of the valves, which could be worn down from normal use.

While it’s possible to replace a thermostat yourself, this is generally a job for a plumber. However, replacement parts are fairly inexpensive and do-it-yourselfers should be able to follow detailed instructions. Even so, do-it-yourself repairs always come with a risk of costly errors. So, unless you’re experienced with electric water heaters, a professional should be the way to go. Having trouble with discolored or smelly water is another sign that it’s time to get the tank replaced. This could be caused by a corroded tank or the development of bacteria in the tank. In most cases, this issue is easily resolved with a simple flush. This should be done on a regular basis to keep your tank lasting longer. It’s also a good time to consider upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient model.

Pressure Relief Valve

A pressure relief valve, also known as a T&P valve, is a safety feature that helps prevent over-pressurization inside the tank. Over time, metal parts within your water heater can build up and create excess pressure. The pressure-relief valve is designed to open and relieve this pressure when needed. It has a spring-loaded “poppet” that includes an elastomeric or thermoplastic seal that seats against the valve seat. Under normal pressure, the valve stays closed. When upstream pressure increases to a certain point, it overcomes the force of the spring and opens the valve. This allows water and steam to be released through a long discharge tube, which can vent out of the top or bottom of your tank. Once the system overpressure has fallen to a point below its set pressure, the spring force re-seats the valve, closing it.

A broken or leaking water heater T&P valve can lead to dangerous situations, such as hot water spilling over the side of the tank. It can also result in a fire. To test if your T&P valve is working correctly, you can position a bucket under the plastic relief drain pipe and open it. If water flows into the bucket, it’s working as it should.

The temperature and pressure of your water heater should be tested regularly, preferably every year. The pressure and temperature of your tank can increase over the years due to sediment build-up or other factors. These pressures and temperatures must be within safe limits to ensure the safety of your family and pets.

In addition to checking the temperature and pressure of your tank, you should also check for a damaged dip tube that supplies cold water to your unit. If you notice rust or corrosion, it’s time to replace the tube. It is recommended that you hire a professional plumber to do this job. If you do this yourself, make sure you fully follow the safety manual that accompanies your unit.

Anode Rod

Anode rods, sometimes called sacrificial anodes, are long metal rods suspended inside your water heater tank. Their primary function is to protect the steel or iron lining of your tank from corrosion by attracting the corrosive elements in the water, through a process called electrolysis. If the anode rod becomes too deteriorated, it should be replaced. You can do this yourself, or you can hire a professional.

An anode rod is made of aluminum, magnesium, zinc or a combination of these materials. The choice of anode material depends on the type and quality of your water, where it is sourced and whether or not you have hard or soft water. Aluminum is a good option for hard water, while magnesium and zinc rods work well in soft water conditions.

A deteriorated anode rod can affect the operation of your hot water heater, but it is relatively inexpensive and easy to replace. Physical inspection is one way to determine if the rod needs replacement. If the rod is heavily corroded or covered in calcium deposits, it is time to replace it.

Another sign that the anode rod needs replacing is smelly water. Sulfur, a common mineral found in some types of water, can react with the anode rod and create unpleasant, rotten egg-like odors. If you notice these odors, you can try turning off your water for a few minutes, draining the tank, and then running the hot water again. This should get rid of the odors.

If you are concerned about the rotten egg smell or discolored water, or if you suspect a leak around the anode rod, contact us to schedule an inspection and repair of your water heater. We’ll check the anode rod and recommend any necessary repairs or replacements to help extend the life of your water heater. We’ll always take your safety into consideration when conducting any repairs, and we provide fast, affordable service. Getting an expert technician to perform your Hot Water Heater Repair can save you time, money and frustration in the long run. Let us show you why we’re a cut above the rest!


The tank is what houses your hot water. It should be inspected regularly for any signs of problems. If the tank starts to leak it should be replaced as soon as possible, as this can lead to serious water damage. If you notice your hot water is smelling funny or appearing discolored this could mean there is rust in the tank or sediment build up inside the pipes. The rust and sediment can cause a build-up that blocks the heater’s ability to heat water properly. A professional should flush the tank to remove this debris and help restore your hot water heater to proper working order.

If your water heater seems to be making strange noises, such as rumbling or popping, it is likely that there is sediment build-up in the bottom of the tank. This is an easy fix for your plumber, who will simply drain the water from the tank and flush it. This should be done at least once per year to prevent sediment from building up and causing the unit to malfunction.

Another common problem with water heater tanks is when they stop heating altogether. If your electric or gas water heater is suddenly stopping heating you might have a bad thermostat or heating element. You can check for a faulty thermostat by using an electrical continuity tester, which you can find at most hardware stores for about $10. If your water heater has two heating elements you might have one that has burned out.

If you have a gas water heater with a pilot light, you might need to have the thermocouple or the gas control valve replaced. These are important parts that keep your water safe from dangerous carbon monoxide. If your water heater has a gas leak, it is important to have it fixed immediately. A leaking gas water heater can leak carbon monoxide into the home, which is extremely dangerous and may even be fatal. If you think your water heater is leaking it’s a good idea to have it inspected by a plumber right away, so they can fix the problem before it gets worse.